Why Outsource FAO to the Philippines? [Infographic]

May 12, 2023 Mimi Torrington

conference in room about philippines outsourcing

Check out our virtual accounting outsourcing in the Philippines infographic.

Manila, Philippines Accounting Outsourcing Infographic

Destination Manila - Philippines Outsourcing Infographic

Why Outsource to the Philippines

Population - 114 Million

Capital - Manila

Official Language Filipino & English

Currency - Philippine Peso, ₱ Approximate exchange rate: $1 USD: ₱55

Cultural Compatibility With the U.S.

Language - 92% Claim English as their second language

Industry - Home to nearly 1000+ BPO providers

Relationship - Approximately $25.3 billion In goods and services are exchanged

History - Decades spent as a U.S. Colony

Religion - 81% Identify as belonging to the Catholic religion

Cultural Values:

  • Family

  • Self-esteem

  • Faith

  • Hard Work

  • Flexible & Creative

An Educational & Professional Powerhouse Stats in Our Philippines Outsourcing Infographic

  • 246 Public Universities, 1,729 Private Universities

  • Nearly 900K New College Graduates join the workforce every year

  • 95.2% Employment Rate

  • 99.72% Literacy Rate

Your Best Bet for Fao

  • 8,325 CPAs In Manila alone

  • 600 Philippine institutes of higher education offer a BSc

  • In 2014, PICPA welcomed 1,643 new members. In 2016, they welcomed 8,216

  • Use of U.S. GAAP standards

  • Candidates Sitting for the CPA Exam:

  • 2010 - 302,200 in the U.S., 12,988 in the Philippines

  • 2018 - 85,855 in the U.S., 24,185 in the Philippines


Looking for more details? Get the full Special Report: Destination Manila: Why Outsource F&A To The Philippines.

In it, you'll get an accurate and transparent look at what you can actually expect when you move a part of your finance and accounting operations offshore.

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