Roadblocks to In-House Sales & Why Outsourcing Works

January 26, 2022 Mimi Torrignton

Sales people checking sales reports

When it comes to finding talent that can generate leads, guide customers through the buyer’s journey, and close sales, most growing companies hit a glass ceiling, otherwise referred to as sales roadblocks.

The obstacles to transforming your company into a sales leader generally center around the difficulty of finding and retaining top talent. With outsourced sales, companies can mitigate many of the top difficulties of in-house departments.

Find out why in-house sales often fail and how outsourcing can help.

Top Difficulties & Roadblocks with In-House Sales

sales rep having difficulties & roadblocks

1. High Turnover

In sales, the average turnover rate can be anywhere from 20 to 34 percent. That means that statistically, just over one in every four sales representatives in your company is likely to move on, leaving you with a constant need to hire and train new talent.

2. Expensive On-Boarding

Combine the costs of separation, replacement, training and lost productivity of each employee and you may be surprised at just how expensive the process is. Taking the entire cash flow into account, the average sales representative only begins producing a profit after 21 months of work. Moreover, it takes about six months to actually fill a sales position, on average.

3. Lack of Skill

One of the main reasons it’s so hard for organizations to attract top talent is because sales is a unique and difficult-to-acquire skill. More precisely, you’re unlikely to find all the most important competencies in a single individual, making the act of scaling your sales team a balancing act that requires constant and judicious compromise.

Under these conditions, many companies find themselves understandably dealing with a less-than-stellar sales team. Solving the issue requires thinking outside the box, and outsourcing sales to an experienced provider can be the key to long-term results.

How Outsourcing Helps Overcome Sales Roadblocks

Sales Roadblocks

Traditionally, outsourced sales teams were seen primarily as a cost-saving measure, and although this remains true, outsourced sales also provide a long list of benefits and value. Organizations looking for world-class sales talent through outsourcing can expect more than just lower costs.

They can also look forward to gaining a dedicated team of individuals whose passion is sales, and who take care of customers as well as profits.


Interested in building a high-performing stellar outsourced sales team? Find out everything you need to know how outsourcing and sales fit together to unlock opportunities for immense growth in this white paper in our white paper: Reimagining Sales Growth Through Next-Level Outsourcing.

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