The Weekly Ledger No. 28: Company Culture

January 25, 2023 Sarah Dameron

leadership team discussing how to grow company culture

Welcome to The Ledger where we sum up the latest finance and accounting news and trends for you. On this week’s entry, we’re diving into the topic of how company culture is the key to a thriving business. Read on to explore how to grow company culture with a dispersed team, ways to create a collaborative workplace culture, how to keep your company culture alive and why CFOs should focus on people and not just numbers.

grow company culture Ledger

How To Grow Company Culture With A Dispersed Team

When COVID took the world by storm, no one could have predicted the effects. Moreover, growing a company can be challenging – add in a remote team and things can get chaotic. And who better to touch on this issue than a few professionals who’ve experienced this phenomenon. Take a look at a few ways to scale your business when you have many employees that work virtually.

  • Hire people who can manage themselves.

  • Align your recruiting strategy to your company’s overall strategy.

  • Be open to cultural conversations.

  • Make it a priority to live your company’s values.

  • Communicate with everyone on your team daily.

  • Create virtual breaks so that everyone feels included.

  • Schedule lunches with a remote employee

… and more.

It’s difficult to manage a team and maintain company culture when your team is remote. To explore how to grow your company’s culture during unprecedented times, read the full article on

Building A Collaborative Workplace Culture

No company has been immune to the effects of the pandemic. The past year and half has seen unexpected changes and challenges – supply chain disruptions, increased pricing, hiring and an abrupt halt on in-person work. The need for connected teams is greater than ever before. Here are a few tips to apply to your culture that will keep your team connected and creative no matter where they work.

  • Talk the walk. Put your company’s values front and center.

  • Keep your employees engaged. Engaged employees are involved not only in their own work responsibilities but in the growth of the company.

  • Build an onboarding process your employees will never forget. The easiest way to avoid turnover is by finding the right talent and retaining that talent will a killer onboarding strategy.

  • Anticipate and plan for roadblocks. A collaborative team succeeds when everyone recognizes the need to do what they do best and work with other teams towards a common goal.

  • Customers can be the rallying cry. Partnering with other teams to tackle a problem a customer might have can build bonds.

  • Collaboration does not always equal compromise. Not everyone is going to agree with a decision that’s made. However, in a collaborative culture, meetings are held for the sole purpose of having an open dialogue that allows for difference points of views.

To learn more about how to build a collaborative culture, head over to to read the full article.

Keeping Your Company Culture Alive With A Hybrid Work Model

As people plan for a return to the office, leaders need to take a few things into account:

  • Allow people to settle in. It’s been almost two years since the onset of the pandemic and for most workers, that meant two years of working at a makeshift desk from the comfort of your home. It’s going to be an adjustment for your employees – be mindful of their needs and feelings.

  • Don’t forget about your virtual hires. You’ve probably hired a few people since the shutdown. Integrating those employees into the overall company is important. This is an opportunity for leaders to create training programs with the hybrid model in mind.

  • Some things are just better in person. Being in-person has its benefits like brainstorming and debating. Even if your company decided to implement a hybrid model, plan for live strategy sessions when possible.

  • Highlight what makes your team great. Find what makes your team so different and run with it.

To dive deeper into how to keep your company culture alive with a hybrid team, view the full article on

Why CFOs Should Focus On People And Not Just Numbers

If we’ve learned anything from the pandemic, it’s that people want to be heard. Moreover, it forced the world to go remote and in doing so, many employees gained a new outlook on what they wanted – flexibility in how they worked and where they worked. Furthermore, these factors have become so vital that they can often become the deciding factor for people to either stay with their current company or leave for one that offers a better work environment. Surprisingly, according to an Ernst & Young Empathy in Business survey, around half of U.S. workers have left jobs in the past because their boss wasn’t empathetic to their struggles at work or at home. The good news is that CFOs can take action now by playing a leading role in fostering a successful future of work.

Here are a few factors to consider:

  • A people-first mindset must be baked into every strategic decision.

  • Use people insights to guide financial decisions.

  • Company culture is not a one-time deal – it should be commonplace.

To understand how CFOs have a hand in creating company culture, read the full article on

Interested in more ways to grow company culture to take your business strategies to new heights? Take a look at our business solutions for companies with a hybrid or regular in-office work model.

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