Battling Burnout in Your Finance Team

As a leader, the last thing you want is for a team member to feel burnt out. But finance and accounting burnout is a real thing and may be hard to spot if you don’t know where to look. The truth is, there’s no magic cure to prevent burnout from happening, but there are ways to effectively manage the symptoms and keep your employees feeling – and performing – their best.

Finance Manager measuring impact of burnout in the workplace

The past two years have seen an increase in burnout (thanks to the pandemic). Many workers have been toiling around the clock to deliver exceptional products and services – add to that the challenges of remote work, social distancing and lack of childcare options, and you get a workforce ready to throw in the towel.

Everyone gets stressed, and the demands of work, home and the changing economic climate can be mentally and physically burdensome. However, burnout manifests when you’ve been worn down by stress again and again. In fact, a recent Korn Ferry survey showed that as much as 81 percent of U.S. professionals are suffering from burnout.

Burnout Vs. Work Stress

The most important aspect of burnout is that it’s manageable. Leaders can help their teams by staying mindful of key elements and taking preventative measures.

Download this playbook to discover:

  • The root causes of burnout

  • How to recognize burnout in your team

  • Why managing burnout is essential in retaining accounting talent

  • How to stop burnout in its tracks

Fight Burnout with Virtual Finance & Accounting Talent

cfo working with an outsourced virtual finance provider

At Personiv, we know that battling burnout is an ongoing challenge, especially in today’s unprecedented climate. It’s why we’ve touched on the topics we have in the previous pages of this playbook.

We’ve been helping companies – of all sizes – find, hire and retain talent during these unusual circumstances, deploying the same tactics that we have been utilizing to build businesses for four decades.

Want to learn how we can transform your talent acquisition and retention efforts? Download our free guide to building a thriving, stress-free workforce, and chat with us today for a personalized consultation.

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Battling Burnout in Your Accounting Team: Strategies That Work

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