Finance & Accounting Talent Market Outlook

We recently surveyed finance and accounting professionals and asked them to help us take the temperature of the finance and accounting labor market as we head into the 'new normal'. Now, the results of our finance and accounting talent market outlook are in, and you're invited to access the results.

Unlock the secrets of building a winning F&A team in the competitive post-pandemic market.

A Finance & Accounting Leadership Survey

Download the full report now and discover expert tips to navigate the evolving F&A talent market, including:

  • Key statistics and a by-the-numbers breakdown of talent market perceptions from Chief Financial Officers, finance and accounting Vice Presidents, and Controllers.

  • A close look at where the gaps and challenges in sourcing and retaining accounting talent are and how professionals are coping.

  • Market perceptions on finance and Accounting Outsourcing (FAO) and what solutions finance and accounting leaders are considering for the new year.

Talent Market outlook

Find out how accounting leaders across the country feel about the state of qualified accounting talent and how they plan to cope with the shortage.

Interested in learning more? Take a listen to our own Megan Weis, VP & General Manager of FAO Services on her podcast: Why A Shortage Of Accountants Could Be On The Horizon. Or, read our CEO, David Lesniak's take in his article: Why Outsourcing Makes Sense in a Tight Accounting Market, published on Due. com.

Unleash the full potential of your F&A department. Personiv helps you streamline operations, reduce costs, and gain real-time financial insights to make informed decisions.

Experience the difference our solutions can make. Contact us today for a personalized consultation.

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