Top 5 SEO Strategies to Beat Your Competition

February 2, 2024 Mimi Torrington

competition pie chart puzzle on wooden table

Developing rich content with top SEO strategies to beat your competition can definitely satisfy the search intents of your audience. However, ensuring your audience can find you in the pool of all the content out there, is a tough task. You’ll need to undertake a lot of optimization and amplification to ensure that your well-written content reaches potential customers and your business growth goes sky-high. Simply put, you need to implement the latest Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques while developing and promoting your content.

The good news? We’ve highlighted some of the best SEO strategies to practice that you can do today to dominate search engine rankings.

  1. Ensure Featured Snippets Can Be Displayed

  2. Content Will Always Be King

  3. Optimize for Mobile Usage

  4. Embrace Video Content

  5. Optimize for Voice Search

Make Sure You Can Display Content in Featured Snippets

Group of people looking at a featured snippet on the first SERP

To ensure your content dominates over the internet you need to get it placed in the snippets. A snippet allows the audience to take a sneak peek of your website. If the snippet is impressive enough the chances of users visiting your website increases tenfold. Luckily, Google has made a tool available for everyone to use to check if your content is eligible to be displayed as a featured snippet, check it out here.

Content Will Always Be King to Beat Your Competition With SEO

SEO marketer reading new content before it gets published on her laptop

Evergreen content is here to stay and continues to rule the online. Writers need to make sure that their content is up-to-date. Finding obsolete content on your website will disappoint the audience and they might think twice before visiting you again. Efforts should be made to constantly create and publish authoritative content along with LSI keywords inserted naturally. Also, make sure to employ natural ways of link building.

Optimize for Mobile Usage

SEO strategies to beat competition - Mobile first

Blame it on the rapid increase in the number of mobile users or the ease with which it allows searching of content, Google considers the mobile version of your website to be the ‘Real’ version. More than half of all the searches take place through mobile and the number is not plummeting any time soon. Therefore, keep a thorough check to make the content of your webpages mobile-friendly.

Embrace Video Content if You Want to Beat Your Competition With SEO

CFO looking at video on computer

This is going to be the year of video content. An increasing number of internet users prefer videos for gaining information instead of dull and boring-to-read texts. It is imperative for you to become active on YouTube and other video publishing platforms with valuable, well-presented, and easy-to-understand video content.

Optimize for Voice Search

Group of young people optimizing for voice search - an seo strategy to beat your competition

Innovation in technology has gifted users with loads of ways to search for content. Today, more than 70% of internet users use voice search at least once every day. Therefore, be wise and start optimizing your content for voice search as soon as possible.

Implementing the above SEO strategies will help you entice and engage more and more online visitors. Another tip? Partner with Personiv to create effective plans for your digital marketing needs. Personiv is one of the leaders in the domain of digital marketing and has been offering outsourced services to its clients for more than 35 years.

Hope you have a digitally rewarding year! For more info on SEO or digital marketing services, talk with one of our digital experts.

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