Abinash, Assistant Manager - Personiv Coimbatore

August 19, 2019 Mimi Torrington

Abinash assistant manager from personiv

Abinash personiv assistant manager

Abinash has been a proud team member of Personiv Coimbatore for the last 10 years. Starting from an executive role up to his current position as an Assistant Manager, Abinash takes pride in providing outstanding service delivery experience to his clients, every single working day.

Abinash said his last 10 years have been nothing short of exceptional, and he looks forward to continuing to add value to his job. Read below as he walks us through his journey with Personiv.


In which role did you start your career? What is your current title?

My association with Personiv is 10 years young! I say young because this organization remains ever-young, ever-vibrant; and every day you get to learn new things and acquire knowledge. Talking about my career path, I joined in January 2009 as Executive - Client Support and currently I am working as Assistant Manager – Operations.

How has your journey been within Personiv?

I think if I start elaborating on my journey, I would require a notebook. Just kidding! My journey at Personiv has been beyond my expectation. Right from the executive level to the current Assistant Manager role, I have had numerous learning opportunities that has helped me draw my career graph at Personiv. Meaningful exposure to areas like Team Handling, Client Management, Production, Quality Management etc. has helped me become a better professional. I feel gratified to have a supportive management that thinks about and cares for its employees, while also living the #OnePersoniv mission and values. To sum up in one word, it has been AWESOME!

Why do you enjoy working at Personiv?

Well, there are number of reasons why I enjoy working at Personiv. However, the best thing about Personiv is the organization’s inclusive approach towards its employees, spanning from conducting exclusive employee engagement activities to enriching the skillsets by providing meaningful learning opportunities.

What is the best thing about your job?

My role is quite demanding, yet there’s a sense of pride when it comes to accomplishing my day-to-day responsibilities. My work comes up with new challenges daily that enhances my decision-making and multi-tasking abilities.

What makes you feel #PersonivProud?

I love Personiv for its unwavering commitment to ‘Giving Back to Society’ which gives employees an opportunity to partake in various CSR (corporate social responsibility) activities as part of organization’s ‘Being Human’ initiatives. It is truly a ‘People-Powered’ organization, providing an enriched work culture and continuous learning opportunities.

Something you like to do outside of work?

I am an avid traveler and a self-confessed bike lover. So when I am not at work, I like to explore the world. I also have frequent long drives with friends and family, and I love watching movies too!

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